
This astringency(這個 收斂性)
Astringency is a dry, puckery, dust-in-mouth sensation typically experienced with red wines. The sensation is induced primarily by tannins such as those extracted from grape seeds and skins and wood cooperage. It is considered to be a tactile sensation transduced by free nerve endings of the trigeminal nerve and thus it is a diffuse, poorly localized sensation (Green 1993).

GREEN, B.G. 1993
Oral astringency : A tactile component of flavor.
Acta Psychologica, 84, 119- 125

看來,這個 Green, B.G. ((1993)應該算是
這個 收斂性 研究與探索 的 先驅者

簡單來說,收斂性 應該是一個 過程(動詞)
但,澀 只是一個 形容詞

而 會 澀,就是有 單寧(酚類物質,兒茶素)

所以,這個 收斂性 就是

用 收斂性 來解釋,恐不太適合東方文化

這個認為,這個 這一系列的變化感覺
可以 用 "化" 這個 字 來 感受

也許,這個 化

更可以,一以貫之 的 化掉。。。一切


喝茶所产生的口腔收敛性感觉被认为是茶多酚及其衍生物与唾液蛋 白质相互作用的结果,因此绿茶中的EGCG极易造成口腔收敛性感觉的化合物。

Oral astringency is the dry sensation experienced in the mouth on consumption of plant-based polyphenols (catechins) found in wine and tea as well as certain fruits and vegetables. It is commonly explained as arising from the loss of lubricity owing to the precipitation of proteins from the salivary film that coats and lubricates the oral cavity. 
Astringency of tea catechins: More than an oral lubrication tactile percept
Food Hydrocolloids, Volume 23, Issue 7, October 2009, Pages 1984-1992

A mucous layer composed of salivary proteins and glycoproteins covers the exposed surface of the mouth to maintain lubrication. The primary reaction leading to the sensation of astringency is the precipitation of proteins and mucins by polyphenolic compounds. The essential feature is the cross-linking of polypeptides by surface-exposed phenolic groups on the polyphenols, leading to aggregation and precipitation and, therefore, the occurrence of the astringent response.
Molecular Model for Astringency Produced by Polyphenol/Protein Interactions, Biomacromolecules, 2004, 5 (3), pp 942–949

Astringency is a dry, puckery, dust-in-mouth sensation typically experienced with red wines. The sensation is induced primarily by tannins such as those extracted from grape seeds and skins and wood cooperage. It is considered to be a tactile sensation transduced by free nerve endings of the trigeminal nerve and thus it is a diffuse, poorly localized sensation (Green 1993).
The accepted mechanism of the astringency is that salivary proline-rich proteins (PRP) combine with phenols and precipitate, producing a dry and rough sensation in the mouth (Haslam et al.1992).
Evidence That Salivary Proteins Are Involved in Astringency, Stamatina Kallithraka, 1997

GREEN, B.G. 1993.
Oral astringency : A tactile component of flavor.
Acta Psychologica, 84, 119- 125

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